
Dear Sam

Bowermans and Style have had a relationship that goes back around 8 years, and we have both been through both good and tough times in our businesses.
Style through yourself, Ray and the team that supports us, whether they be in administration, the upholsterers, foam cutters, assemblers and truck drivers are at all times a pleasure to deal with.

We have numerous chair suppliers attempting to get a share of our business, offering deals and incentives all the time. Sometimes we get tempted, but seldom do they last, as we soon realise that what we really need is good service, constant supply, flexibility, a fair price, a familiar face and a commitment to honour their promises. Style always comes to the fore and this is why you have been able to build up a successful business with a great reputation. We like selling Style chairs because you make it easy, it is as simple as that.

We appreciate your commitment to us and the mutual growth of our combined businesses.


Bryan Rutter
Managing Director
Bowermans Office Furniture Pty Ltd


To Whom it may concern,

Experienced Office Furniture Newcastle would like to thank Ray, Sam and all the team at Style Ergonomics for many years of outstanding support and top quality service.
Our business have grown together and moved through dark days and sunshine. Together we have seen many changes and challenges and Style has always been there with top quality products and friendly and reliable service.
We all look forward to the future and the challenges that lie ahead safe in the knowledge that with Style as a partner we are in good shape.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Wildschut
General Manager

To whom it may concern

It has been to my advantage to have been doing business with Style Ergonomics Australia since they first started in the 1990′s .During all that time I have found the company and the staff to be of the highest standards .Their products are always improving and only too happy to accommodate special customer orders and requirements , which in return gives the distributor a head start in a very competitive field we are in. I would not hesitate to recommend Style Ergonomics Australia as a truly professionals.

Robyn Watson

CNR Angus Ave & Flinders Road
South Nowra 2541

Ascot Commercial Interiors have enjoyed many years of successful business with Sam Dababneh, Ray Adam and the team at Style ergonomics. During the many years of business dealings we have always maintained a very professional relationship with Style and are very happy to say in review that if ever there were any issues, Style stands out in my mind as the company with the ability and desire to rectify these issues immediately.

As a commercial fitout company operating in Tasmania and Victoria we have to say that no matter how great our resolve is to offer great service to our clients, we are at the mercy of our suppliers to be party to this. Style Ergonomics have never let us down in this regard and have often dropped all boundaries to meet an almost impossible sales demand.

As coming from a family business, which has operated for over 33 years to date, I notice the family spirit, the care of employees, and importance of the customers as imperative to continuation, as all key strengths of Sam and Style Ergonomics. This flows through into a happy and creative team, who will do those extra miles, get back with answers in short time frames, and allow the flexibility we all need from suppliers. The customer Service team are always very courteous, genuine and helpful in responding to any queries or enquiry.

Style have helped in the creation of new and innovative products, they are leading the market with design and comfort, yet at the same time maintaining a pricing to suit the mainstream buyers. We have created many unique and special products in conjunction with Style Ergonomics.

Above all this, the most important and outstanding feature of Style Ergonomics is the trust we can engender, they will never back- door us and attempt to sell to our clients directly, no matter what the size of the project may be, and remain committed to their dealers without opening new accounts in ‘every neck of the woods’ to make our distinctiveness and market edge driven to the wall.

I recommend any potential office chair distributor to consider Style ergonomics as the No. 1 choice in office chair supply. I applaud Sam on his great success to date and wish him well in the future.

Kind regards,

Nelson P. Humber

Ascot Commercial Interiors P/L

Tasmanian and Victorian Offices
Phone 1300 720 608 Fax 1300 884 300
Email: nelson@ascotcommercial.com.au